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Salmon is said to be one of the most nutritious foods on the planet and it tastes amazing too. It’s literally loaded with nutrients and healthy oils. It’s good for your heart, your brain, your skin, your hair, and it’s a very versatile food. It wasn’t that long ago that salmon was relatively expensive and it used to be eaten only as a treat. Today, though, salmon is much more affordable and it’s readily available in stores, so it can now form a regular part of your diet. If you want to know about the salmon you eat, read on, because we have ten facts about salmon you may not have known.
1. Salmon are anadromous fish
Salmon are what is known as anadromous fish, which means that they are born in fresh water, but they spend most of their lives in the sea. Once a year, salmon return to fresh water and they swim back up the rivers and streams they came from to spawn.
2. Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids do amazing things for your body and salmon is one of the best natural sources of Omega-3 that there is. They help to keep your skin and hair healthy, they boost heart and brain health and they could stop you developing heart disease. You can buy omega-3 supplements, but eating salmon regularly would be a much better way to get all health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids.
3. There are lots of different kinds of salmon
Thera are many different varieties of salmon, though they all taste very similar. North Pacific salmon, which is sometimes called chum salmon, is the cheapest variety available in stores. Sockeye salmon is probably the variety with the strongest flavour, while Coho salmon has a much milder flavour. Atlantic salmon, which is usually farmed, is one of the best varieties of salmon for cooking and it’s one of the most readily available.
4. Frozen salmon is fresher than fresh salmon
Freezing salmon doesn’t take away any of the nutritional value of the fish and it still tastes great. In fact, you could argue that frozen salmon is fresher than fresh salmon, because frozen salmon is frozen almost as soon as it has been caught, gutted and cleaned. What you know as fresh salmon, however, may have taken a few days to get to the store.
5. Salmon can protect you against cancer
There is a lot of evidence that backs up the theory that the omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon can help to protect you against cancer. Many research studies have found a direct link to the consumption of oily fish, like salmon, and a reduced incidence of cancer. Not only can omega-3 fatty acids prevent cancer, it’s even believed that it can kill cancerous cells and reduce the size of tumours.
6. Organic labelling of salmon is misleading
There are many cases where organic food is definitely safer and more nutritious than non-organic food, but surprisingly, salmon may not be one of those. Salmon is essentially a wild fish, even if it is bred in fish pens. There is no recognised standard that defines whether or not salmon can be called organic, so the use of the  word ‘organic’ doesn’t  mean very much when it is applied to salmon.
7. Salmon is great brain food
One of the other amazing things that eating salmon will do for you is it will boost your brain power. Omega-3 rich foods have been proven to improve the memory and the vitamins A and D, and the selenium that is contained in salmon will protect the nervous system from age related damage. Some studies have suggested that eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids could help to prevent age related diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
8. Canned salmon is good for you too
Even canned salmon is good for you and it’s so convenient and easy to use. The canning process does nothing to remove any of the nutrition from salmon, so you still get the full benefit of the omega-3 fatty acids and all the other nutrients.
9. Wild caught salmon is not always wild
Generally, salmon will better for you if it is caught in the wild, because it will have lived off a 100% natural diet, but there is some confusion about the term wild-caught. A lot of ‘wild caught’ salmon is actually raised in hatcheries and then later released into the wild to grow some more before it is caught again.
10. Salmon is versatile and healthy
The final thing that makes salmon such a great choice is how versatile it is. You can bake it with herbs, cook with pasta, grill it, add it to salads, or eat it smoked. You can easily add salmon to your regular diet and never get bored of it, so make salmon a regular part of your weekly grocery shop and enjoy one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

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